Available 24/7 (617) 479-9467

Case Results


March 2024

Client was arrested by the Massachusetts State Police and charged with OUI-Liquor, 2nd Offense.    The Client took the breathalyzer with a reading above the legal limit.     Attorney Flaherty reviewed the Office of Alcohol Testing (OAT) records and determined that the breath test devise used at the State Police Barracks was potentially not working properly at the time of the Client's test.    Attorney Flaherty researched, drafted, filed, and argued a Motion to Suppress the breathalyzer result; arguing the machine was not working property, the test was not conducted in accordance with the Law, and that the machine was not properly certified.   The Court and district attorney's office agreed, and the breath tests results were excluded. 

The case proceeded to trial and the Client was found NOT GUILTY.      

Practice area(s): Criminal Defense, DUI / DWI

Court: Quincy District Court

Contact Us Today

Law Office of David V. Flaherty
617-517-9169 (fax)
Mon: 08:00am - 07:00pm
Tue: 08:00am - 07:00pm
Wed: 08:00am - 07:00pm
Thu: 08:00am - 07:00pm
Fri: 08:00am - 07:00pm
Sat: 12:00pm - 04:00pm
Sun: 12:00pm - 04:00pm
